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Introducing Express Checkout in bookingkit
Introducing Express Checkout in bookingkit
Written by Nezir Sekiraca
Updated over 6 months ago

Express Checkout is a fast and easy way to complete purchases without the need to go through multiple steps at different checkouts. To make the end-user experience smoother and faster on our checkout we are introducing Express Checkout in bookingkit. Express Checkout will ultimately increase the conversion rate on our checkout and get more bookings for our Activity Providers.

Activity Providers in bookingkit can set up different features and settings on their checkout. In some cases those setups have required steps therefore Express Checkout will show on different steps of the checkout depending on the conditions set on the checkout.

Below it will be explained in short bullet points how will Express Checkout feature work.

  • Express Checkout will be active for all Activity Providers who have Cards enabled as Payment Methods.

  • Express Checkout will show on checkouts for orders/tickets with a price higher than 0 (total after voucher applied).

  • Express Checkout will not show for Request orders.

These are the conditions on when and where we will be not showing the Express Checkout:

  1. No Express Checkout will be shown for end customers on checkout where Activity Providers have set up custom required fields until after the custom required fields are filled in and saved on that particular step.

  2. No Express Checkout will show in the experiences that are on the “by appointment request” experience flow.

  3. No Express Checkout will show for Activity Providers with products before products are shown (will show only on the addToCart stage).

  4. No Express Checkout will show if the Activity Providers have it disabled by an Admin (Activity Providers can request the feature to be turned off and not shown on their checkout by contacting their Account Manager or Support team).

Since this is a new feature in bookingkit, we will release an A/B test for different designs to test which performs better and improves the conversion rate in our checkout.

Below you can take a look at the examples of these designs.

Version 1) - Express Checkout will show at the bottom of the checkout

Version 2) - Express Checkout will show at the top of the checkout

Version 3) - Desktop only, Express Checkout will show at the top of the checkout

Besides the designs shown above, we will have a test group of end customers who will not see Express Checkout. So if there are cases where Express Checkout is not present even if the conditions above are mentioned, that user has fallen in the controlled group with no Express Checkout shown.

If you have any questions, please contact your Account manager or Support team.

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