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Statistics - How to generate different exports
Statistics - How to generate different exports

Generate individual exports for your billing or for analysis

Maeva Rineau avatar
Written by Maeva Rineau
Updated over 3 months ago

In this article, we would like to give you an overview of the export options available under Statistics > Export. In this way, you can access the desired data depending on the intended use.

Overview of the export options

1. Overview of the Export categories

Under Statistics > Export, you can generally choose between the following export categories:


Export your orders, e.g. for import into systems like Mailchimp or Cleverreach.


Export your orders by service date.


Export all your vouchers, you can also view which voucher was redeemed with which order.

Voucher Usage

Export all your vouchers and find out with which order and when they were redeemed and how much of the voucher was used.


Export your promotional vouchers, including all relevant information.

Flexible tickets

Export your flexible tickets

Documents archive (ZIP)

Conveniently export all receipts of any booking period as a ZIP archive.


Export the history of your wallet from the trust account, including all transactions.


At this point you can export all your experiences created in bookingkit using raw data.

Your previous exports are listed in the respective category below. These can also be downloaded at another time (up to 30 days).

In the next sections, you will find out what the individual export categories are all about and how to generate these exports.

You can see in the image below how it looks in your account:

2. Orders

Please note that you will receive the data of the person booking and not the data of the respective experience (e.g. if a customer has booked two or more experiences in one order - you will find these in the export category: services).

  1. Select the category "Orders" under Statistics > Export.

  2. Select the desired booking period.

  3. Select whether the export should contain all orders, only active orders or cancelled orders.

  4. The export already has basic content such as booking code, email, name, price category and total pre-selected. Additional columns such as booking date, experience title or payment type can also be included in your export. To do this, simply mark the corresponding fields in the "available fields" box with the mouse and move them to the "selected fields" box using the blue arrow.

  5. You can also select the format of the export. You can choose between Excel, CSV and PDF.

  6. Click on the green button "Generate export" to download the file in the respective format. If you have selected "CSV" as the format, you will learn in this guide how to prepare the content as a table, e.g. with the function "Text in columns".

3. Services

In contrast to the export category "Orders", you can display the individual participants and associated data for a specific experience in "Services".

  1. Select the category "Services" under Statistics > Export.

  2. Select the desired booking period.

  3. The export has already preselected basic content such as ticket code, email and name. Additional columns such as booking date, service date or experience title can also be included in your export. To do this, simply mark the corresponding fields in the "available fields" box with the mouse and move them to the "selected fields" box using the blue arrow.

  4. In addition, select the format of the export. You can choose between Excel, CSV and PDF.

  5. Click on the green button "Generate export" to download the file in the respective format.

  6. If you have selected "CSV" as the format, you will learn in this guide how to prepare the content as a table, e.g. with the function "Text in columns"

How to export the selected price levels of service?

Under Orders > Participants, you can not only generate an overview of all participants checked in but also use the corresponding export to display the selected price levels per service.

Please note that a participant export including the indicated VAT can currently only be requested through support.

4. Vouchers

In this section, you can export all your vouchers.

  1. Select the category "Vouchers" under Statistics > Export.

  2. Select the desired period in which the voucher was created (or booking period).

  3. Select the date for the voucher status. The remaining value of each voucher at the selected time is then displayed in the "Remaining value" column in the export.

  4. The export already has basic content pre-selected, such as voucher code, title and value. Additional columns, such as the sales channel or "VAT on purchase", can also be included in your export. To do this, simply mark the corresponding fields in the "available fields" box with the mouse and move them to the "selected fields" box using the blue arrow.

  5. In addition, select the format of the export. You can choose between Excel, CSV and PDF. If you have selected "CSV" as the format, you will learn in this guide how to prepare the content as a table, e.g. with the function "Text in columns"

  6. Click on the green button "Generate export" to download the file in the selected format.

5. Voucher Usage

Find out with which order and when the vouchers were redeemed.

  1. Select the category "Voucher Usage" under Statistics > Export.

  2. Select the desired time period.

  3. The export has already preselected basic contents such as "redeemed value", "remaining value" and "voucher code". Additional columns such as "Used with order" or "Payment method" can also be included in your export. To do this, simply mark the corresponding fields in the "available fields" box with the mouse and move them to the "selected fields" box using the blue arrow.

  4. Also, select the file format of the export. You can choose between Excel, CSV and PDF. If you have selected "CSV" as the format, you will learn in this guide how to prepare the content as a table, e.g. with the function "Text in columns"

  5. Click on the green button "Generate export" to download the file in the respective format.

6. Coupons

Export your coupons, including all relevant information.

  1. Select the category "Coupons" under Statistics > Export

  2. Select the desired period (based on the creation date of the promotion voucher code).

  3. The export has already pre-selected basic content such as code, title and value. Additional columns such as description, channel or customer data can also be included in your export. To do this, simply mark the corresponding fields in the "available fields" box with the mouse and move them to the "selected fields" box using the blue arrow.

  4. In addition, select the format of the export. You can choose between Excel, CSV and PDF.

  5. Click on the green button "Generate export" to create the file in the selected format. If you have selected "CSV" as the format, you will learn in this guide how to prepare the content as a table, e.g. with the function "Text in columns"


Currently, the redemptions of the promotional vouchers are displayed through the corresponding order codes.

The number of redemptions can be calculated using the Excel function "count characters" (see here).

This is done as follows:

--> remove all spaces in the file using "Find and Replace" (CTRL + F)

--> create a helper column

--> function =LEN (cell) / 10 (see: LINK)

7. Flexible Tickets

  1. Select the category "Flexible Tickets" under Statistics > Export

  2. Select the desired period (based on the creation date of the Flexible Tickets).

  3. The export has already preselected basic contents such as code, and title. Additional columns such as "purchased/used with order", payment date and payment method can also be included in your export. To do this, simply mark the corresponding fields in the "available fields" box with the mouse and move them to the "selected fields" box using the blue arrow.

  4. In addition, select the format of the export. You can choose between Excel, CSV and PDF. If you have selected "CSV" as the format, you will learn in this guide how to prepare the content as a table, e.g. with the function "Text in columns"

  5. Click on the green button "Generate export" to create the file in the selected format.

8. Documents Archive (ZIP)

With our documents archive, you can download all created invoices, vouchers and payment notices (attached to the respective invoice) for a freely selected period of time in ZIP file format. Of course, the invoices do not only contain the most recent invoice for an order but all invoices ever issued for an order. (e.g. after rebookings and cancellations).

  1. Under Statistics > Export, select the category "Document archive (zip)".

  2. Select the desired order period.

  3. Which documents should be included in the ZIP file? Only invoices and payment notices or also vouchers?

  4. Click on the button "Generate export" to create the file in .zip format. Please note that depending on the number of files, the creation of the archive file may take several hours. You will receive an e-mail notification from the system as soon as the file is available for download.

Important note: Please note that voucher codes imported by us are not included in the document archive. These must be downloaded individually directly from

9. Wallets

Export the history of your wallet from the escrow account, including all transactions, charges and balances. The transactions are assigned to the respective order numbers.

  1. Select the category "Wallets" under Statistics > Export

  2. Select the desired period.

  3. Also, select the format of the export. You can choose between Excel, CSV and PDF.

  4. Click on the green button "Generate export" to create the file in the selected format.

Example of an Excel file of the wallet export:

Important note: Orders with payment on site and PayPal are naturally not included in the Stripe Wallet export. These can be found separately as follows:

10. Events

Export all your experiences created in bookingkit as CSV or Excel file.


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feel free to contact us via chat. :)

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