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Early Bird Tickets

Would you like to incentivise your customers to book in advance and optimise the booking load? Then simply offer Early Bird tickets!

Björn Blankenhagen avatar
Written by Björn Blankenhagen
Updated over 4 years ago

In addition to optimasing your workload, Early Bird tickets also have the potential to increase your revenue. Creating them is fairly simple:

1. Activate the extended availability management

If not already done, please activate the Extended Availability Management feature under Settings -> Modules:

2. Flexible prices

Once the module is up and running, you can add an additional price category for the Early Bird tickets in addition to the regular price.

3. Create appointments for the experience

Create two identical appointments and add the regular price to one appointment and the Early Bird price category to the other appointment:

4. Set the Early Bird quota

Open the appointment in your bookingkit calendar and set the respective quotas using the Advanced Availability Management:

5. Through the eyes of the customer

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