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bookingkit reach: partner rates
Written by Arun
Updated over a year ago

What are partner rates?

Partner rates refer to the agreed-upon rates or pricing structures that you can offer to the partners (manual resellers) in bookingkit reach. When working with resellers, thereby you can apply special distribution strategies.

Using partner rates, you can set

  • Custom Pricing: Allows vendors to set unique retail prices and commission rates for various events, date ranges, and specific time slots.

  • Controlled Visibility: Provides control over event visibility to different resellers, enabling tailored pricing structures and rules for each partner.

This helps you to create rules in a way that you can define on what day, what timeslot, which reseller gets how much commission and so on.

Currently, partner rates apply to you as a vendor, and are only applicable towards manual resellers. This means the rules you configure won't apply to online platforms (GYG, Viator, etc..)

Why Partner rates are recommended?

  • Flexibility: Enables custom pricing structures and commission settings for different resellers and specific booking scenarios.

  • Enhanced Control: Provides visibility control, allowing businesses to manage pricing strategies efficiently.

  • Tailored Solutions: Offers a versatile approach to pricing and visibility, maximizing revenue potential for each partnership.

Where can I find partner rates?

To create a new partner rate:

Login to bookingkit reach as vendor > Partner rates > New partner rates (to create one)

You can also find automatically created partner rates based on your existing contract with manual resellers in bookingkit reach.

To edit an existing partner rate:

Login to bookingkit reach as vendor > Partner rates > Click on the pencil icon (to edit existing rate)

What will happen to price rules?

The price rules will be replaced by the partner rate feature. The reason is partner rate is much more flexible compared and it can go down to very detailed rules. Using this you can control the visibility of an event, and its price to one or more resellers, hide one event, or a timed slot, and dates towards your resellers.

This means, that if you are using older price rules, you need to create a new partner rate to replicate the behaviour as before. On the bright side, you can now go much deeper than the price rules logic and this will help you to maximise your revenue.

Partner rules vs Partner rates

Partner rules (sunsetting)

Partner rates

Can create rules with multiple resellers

Can create a rule for one specific reseller

Can create rules for a specific event

Can create a rule for a specific event price list

Can set custom commission for an event price category level

Can define a net rate for an event price category level

Can create multiple stacking rules within one rule.

Can limit the rule applicable to specific date ranges

Can limit the rule applicable to specific event-time appointments

Can create rules based on the day.

Can apply priority of rules

Changes to Contracting flow

In the past, as a vendor in bookingkit Reach, you could create a contract with a manual reseller and you had to have an agreed commission percentage, which was used across all the experiences you reseller in Reach.

With new partner rates, the contract need not necessarily have to be tied with a fixed commission across all the events. This means, that for each event, and event price category, you now can set a custom commission (value) or percentage commission on the sale giving you more flexibility.

Also, this means, the contract will no longer have a single commission value defined, but rather a contract is assigned with a partner rate, which can have multiple commission strategies defined based on the rule.

What happens to my existing contracts?

If you have existing contracts in Reach, it would be migrated to include a partner rate, replacing the commission percentage. The migrated, automatically generated partner rate will have all the rules created which will include all of your available events, and will have the retail price configured as 100% of the original price in the bookingkit system. All the events will also have a commission percentage of the value which will be copied from your original contract. You can edit this rule or create new rules within the same partner rate rule to apply a specific condition for the reseller.

Quick Start

Creation Process:

  • Access the "Partner Rates" section in bookingkit Reach.

  • Input essential details like names and descriptions to identify the rate.

  1. Setting Rules:

    • Define rules specifying date ranges, recurrence patterns, days, and times for rate application.

    • Customize pricing structures, including original prices, retail prices, commissions, and net rates.

  2. Managing Rules:

    • Assign priorities to rules, allowing the system to follow specific rules over others when overlapping.

    • Craft multiple rules within a single partner rate for handling diverse scenarios.

  3. Applying Partner Rates in Contracts:

    • Contract Setup: During contract creation, vendors select the applicable partner rates, tailoring pricing strategies for each contract.

How to create and configure a partner rate?


  1. Original price: This is the price you configured in the bookingkit system.

  2. Retail price: This is the price paid by the end customer. The retail price can differ from the original price if you decide to sell at a different to the end customer via bookingkit reach. Note: This will have currently only effect on bookingkit Reach manual-resellers.

  3. Net rate: This is how much you earn after each sale of the item after deducting commissions.

    1. Fixed net rate - a net rate that is negotiated directly and therefore does not change.

    2. Variable net rate - Retail price - commission gives the variable net rate

  4. Commissions: This is the commission you will be offering the resellers.

  5. Partner rate: a set of rules that set the price and commission structure between you and a reseller

Go to bookingkit Reach, and create a new partner rate by clicking the "New partner rate" button.

This will ask you to set up a few details before proceeding to create a new partner rate rule.

  • partner rate - The name will be used to display it everywhere. Please note that this information will be also visible to the reseller you work with. Name something unique and extensive so that you can easily identify what it is.

  • Internal description - This is a description which will be only visible to you.

  • Public description - This description will be visible to your reseller.

Once the details are given, click on the "Continue" button, to configure the rules for partner rates.

Partner rate rules:

A partner rate rule defines how the pricing, and visibility appear to your resellers.

A partner rate can have one or more rules, which means you can create multiple rules inside one partner rate. Each of the partner rate rules can have a duration of how it applies based on the dates, the days and the time.

  • Rule name - A unique name for the rule (This shouldn't be the partner rate name itself)

  • Rule date range

    • Start date - From this date onwards the rule should apply to your inventory.

    • Expire date - Optional value, if you want your partner rate rule to apply towards only a particular future date. Please note: If you have more rules inside one partner rate, setting this for one rule won't affect other rules.

  • Recurrence - How the rule should recur.

    • Daily - On all the days

    • Weekly - You can specify when the rule could happen. For example, create a rule which occurs only on all Saturdays and Sundays.

  • Time - The schedule when the rule applies

    • All day - The rule will be applied all day.

    • Start time, End time - The rule will happen only for the events which you have happening between this period. For example, create a rule which occurs from 16:00 to 20:00. The events happening at other time slots won't have any impact if you configure something like this.

Once you configured it, click on the "Continue" button.

This will ask you to select the events to which should the rule be applicable. This will list all the events you have created in the bookingkit system.

Now you can configure individual event configuration.

  • Enable - This switch button will enable or disable the event price category to be part of the rule.

  • Price category - This is the name of the price category you configured in the bookingkit system.

  • Original price - The original price is configured in the bookingkit system.

  • Retail price - This is the price the event will be sold to the end customer

  • Retail price percentage - You can set a percentage value of what should the retail price be, based on the original price.

  • Retail price fixed - You can input a fixed price, which will be the retail price.

  • Commission - A commission percentage, that the reseller earns for selling the event category. This can be variable across multiple event categories.

  • Net rate - This is the price which you will be making for the sale after any commissions.

You can choose a commission or directly decide the net rate. Please note that the selected price category and commission percentage will be visible to the reseller for transparency. Other information or deselected price categories will be hidden from the reseller view.

Once the necessary configuration is made, you proceed to click on the "add rule" button.

This will take you to the review page to see the configured rule.

From this screen, you can proceed to create a new partner rate rule with the same partner rate. (Optional, or skip this to finalize the partner rate rule). You can click on the "add new" button to create a new rule within the partner rate.

Additional rules help you to finally control the prices based on your business requirements.

For example:

  1. You can have a "Weekday rule" which offers a 15% commission across the events and even price categories.

  2. You can have an additional "Weekend rule" which only offers a 10% commission across selected events and event price categories.

  3. You can create a custom "Holiday rule" which only offers a 5% commission on a specific date.

Rules inside a partner rate are stacked across on the priority. The rule with priority gets applied first if there are multiple rules with the same date and time ranges.

If you have more than one rule, you can change the priority of the rule by dragging the rules to the top or bottom by holding on to the icon.

Once you have configured and adjusted the priority, click on the "Continue" button to store the partner rate rule.

Applying the partner rate rule to a contract

Now, when creating a contract, a partner rate needs to be a part of it, as you have other configurations created.

When you create a new contract, you can select one of the partner rates you already created.

You can click on the icon to quickly review the conditions of the rules as well.

A read-only, stripped version will be shown to you based on the rule you created. You can also edit the rule from the partner rates menu.

The reseller will also see the same read-only view which shows the configured retail price and or commission details for them as well.

And then you can proceed with creating the contract as normal.

Once the contract is accepted, the reseller sees the event prices based on the rules you configured. This means, that if you have multiple rules in the partner rate, they see truly dynamic prices on how you have configured the rates.

Partner rates offer flexible and tailored pricing strategies. By leveraging this feature, businesses can optimize their revenue streams, manage reseller partnerships effectively, and provide customized solutions to their clients.

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