Important: bookingkit reach is only available for BusinessKit and ProKit subscriptions.
Important: this feature is NOT available for integrations. You can check here which reach features are available for integrations.
What are contracts, partner rates and rules?
Contract: is setting your main terms with a reseller like duration, rights of resellers, cancellation policies and which partner rate must be used.
Partner rates: are made of "rules".
Rules: sets which activity/price category can be sold for which price and commission. Rules are highly granular as rules can be set on a specific date and time. Each rule has a priority (from 1 to X) which defines which rules apply first in case of overlaps.
How to create a partner rate and its rules?
How does the contracting work with resellers?
Create a contract
First-time contract: you can click on "Send an offer" on any reseller in the marketplace
First-time contract: you can click on "Create" on any reseller that you invited on reach on the "My partners" page.
Not-first-time contract: you can click on "Create" on any reseller on the "My partners" page.
Fill in the contract information
Set a payment interval: the interval at which you wish to settle orders with the reseller
Set cancellation right: reseller can cancel orders on his own or not
Note: if you allow this, this reseller will be able to cancel orders without restrictions. You will be informed of cancellations.
Set the contract duration: set the start date and end date of the contract (we recommend endless)
Optional: Set a validity period: your contract proposal will expire if the reseller does not react to your offer in time.
Click on send. The contract status will change to waiting for confirmation.
The reseller will be informed and can:
Accept your offer: The contract status will change to active and the reseller can start selling your inventory.
Negotiate: the reseller can send you a personalised message to ask for changes. The contract status will change to negotiating. You will need to re-fill the contract information (step 2).
If you set a validity period and it is reached: the contract status will change to offer expired. You will need to start a new contract (step 1)
Amendment of an existing contract
Revoking a contract
You can revoke any contract at any time by clicking on "View" on a contract and then "revoke". The contract status will change to revoked and the reseller will not be able to sell your inventory. If you wish to work with this reseller again, you will need to create a new contract.
Contract expiry
If you set an end date to a contract, the contract will expire on this date. When the date is reached, the contract status will change to offer ended and the reseller will not be able to sell your inventory. If you wish to work with this reseller again, you will need to create a new contract.
Blocking a reseller
You can block any reseller at any time by clicking on "block" on a contract. The contract status will change to blocked and the reseller will not be able to sell your inventory. If you wish to work with this reseller again, you will need to unblock the reseller by clicking unblock. The contract will return to its status before the reseller was blocked.