
Define mandatory fields and integrate your reviews on TripAdvisor, Google and Facebook in bookingkit.

Björn Blankenhagen avatar
Written by Björn Blankenhagen
Updated over a week ago


You can change and define checkout fields visible to end customers under Sell -> Checkout Configuration.

​Tip: the fewer fields you specify as mandatory, the more bookings you will get. Experience shows that Internet users are quickly put off by a large number of compulsory fields!

Here is a breakdown of all available functions:

  • My reviews: Here you can activate / deactivate respective channels (TripAdvisor, Google, Facebook). Your rating on respective platform will be displayed on your website.

  • Settings: Activate / deactivate simplified participant entry that allows to make bookings with personal and contact details of one person only, not every single participant. This is particularly useful if you offer group events and experiences.

  • Email campaigns: You can ask your customers for their consent to receive email marketing campaigns from you.

  • Additional fields: Define additional fields to ask your customers for important information, such as their height, shoe size or preferred language.

  • Required fields for booking: Email address, telephone no. or full address. You decide what fields are mandatory for customers to fill out.

  • Checkout tracking services configuration: Here you can store HTML and JavaScript code to execute in the entire checkout process.

Important: unless “email address” is a compulsory field, your customers won’t get any booking confirmations.

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