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Orders in detail

An order is a binding booking of an appointment or a purchase of a voucher.

Björn Blankenhagen avatar
Written by Björn Blankenhagen
Updated over a year ago

Your bookingkit Orders section includes following types of bookings:

  • Orders -  binding booking of an appointment or voucher

  • Requests - non-binding appointment request which leads to a binding booking upon confirmation by you as the provider

  • Vouchers - vouchers can be used as a payment method during checkout when booking an appointment

  • Promotional coupons - promotional vouchers are valid within the period of the promotion and can have either a fixed or percentage discount.

  • Flexible Tickets - flexible tickets are special offers such as 2 for the price of one, monthly tickets etc.


Experiences that you define as Bookable online can be purchased directly on your website. The dates and times available for booking are based on your appointment definition.

All orders are listed in the column on the left-hand side. The information about the booked experience, date, order status, contact details of the customer, payment method, etc. is visible in the detail view of a respective order - simply click on the order in the column on the left to open it. You can also filter all existing orders according to their status (active/inactive), payment status, channel and/or creation date.

You can take following actions on each order:


You can add additional participants or items, change the price category, grant a discount, redeem a voucher or update the contact details of the customer.


To cancel a booking, simply click on the respective button.

You will be asked whether you would like to make a refund or not. If you decide to refund, you can also choose to make a refund in form of a voucher and choose the amount. Please note that bookings paid by a voucher can only be refunded as a voucher.

Tip: In case you need to delete a participant from a booking, simply click on the red X button next to the respective participant instead of cancelling the entire order. In this case the above mentioned refund options are also available.


Postpone existing orders within the same experience or change the experience for all participants included in the booking by clicking in the Change booking button.

Please take note of the difference between Changing an individual booking and moving the entire appointment with its associated bookings. The customers affected by change will be notified in both cases, however, the substantive difference between the two is that moving an appointment means changing it for all participants in the calender view, while changing the booking makes the changes to individual bookings in the orders view.

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