Email-configuration - Confirmation email
This email is mandatory.
How do I configure order confirmation emails?
By default, bookingkit sends a confirmation email, with our default template.
However, some of you want to customise the content or the look and feel and you can by using the email editor.
To design emails exactly as you want them, click on the pencil to the left of the description.
The following screen then appears:
You can now edit the content as you wish.
You can use our placeholders (1) to give your email a more personal design.
Please ensure in Preview (2 & 3) that the email is as you wish, and that it can be sent to your customers in this form
Then you initially have to send a test email (4) which will be sent to your bookingkit email address.
Only then can you click on Save (5) to definitively activate the custom confirmation email. Please also note that below your personally designed content, a summary of information for the relevant order will still always be visible:
By default, your confirmation email content - i.e the content provided by bookingkit is:
Hello customerName, thank you for your booking at {vendorName}! We hereby confirm your order, your order is binding. Best regards |